
Corte Macaccara

The courtyard possibly dates back to the XIII century and has been refurbished several times. The impressive doorway facing South, a manor and stables were added between the XVI and the XVII century and were later refurbished in Lombard style.

The three-storeyold brick house was painted dark red  is similar to typical farm manors of this region and its functional design reminds a fortress.


After World War I the courtyard was enlarged at the back, adding a broader fence, stables, barns and a silo. The wall that fenced in the manor was modified; the impressive iron gate added to allow access to the courtyard still bears the owner’s initials.

A4 Motorway: take the exit to Sommacampagna and follow the sign to Caselle.

Private property

  • via Macaccara, Caselle
    37066 Sommacampagna VR
  • Private property

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